

App Branding


Client: Mcalls MMspot
Year: 2016
Industry: Mobile Virtual Network Operator
Region: Malaysia

MMspot Logo

MMspot logo is made up of gradient analogous waves which combines two M‘s and a dot at the end to signify the spot. The dot is actually a location marker that is tilted in a way. The whole symbol’s aim is to have a warm and friendly approach and also define the online to offline spirit which is represented by analog waves combined with digital colours.

MMspot Branding

For the brand elements, we chose warm and vibrant colours to attract youth and create a friendly front as our very app is part of extended digital services for Mcalls users. The hero however is the gradient which is also employed by Mcalls to show the connection of the app to its mother brand.

Primary Colours

Main Gradation

Video Animation

To consolidate what MMspot does and to further enhance brand communication, we also created a video that can educate new users. We used a storytelling method to enable users to relate the app to their daily lifestyle and how they can utilize these features.

Visual Support

MMspot branding involves the in-app ads as well as marketing collateral that brings greater exposure to the app itself. Physical presence is indeed a must for earning consumer trust, thus we stationed marketing materials where our partners are to create a long term presence.

Creating Awareness

Aside from marketing collateral, we also engage in out-of-home media such as billboard, light boxes, and events.

Let’s create the next great brand together!