App Branding for
Baby Journaling Product
App Branding
Mobile App UI
Client: First Smile – Gamification
Year: 2015
Industry: Baby products
Region: Malaysia
Brand Logo
The First Smile logo focuses on the smile while the type act as the blinking eyes. They idea was to capture the innocent the first smile of the baby, the most invaluable experience for the parents.
Primary Logo


Primary Colour

Primary Typography

Brand Elements
To further express the First Smile brand in an extensive manner, we have created a story which can be an expanded universe solely for First Smile’s future business expansion.
This universe adds a lot of fun elements to the brand when they wanted to tell their brand story.

Mobile UI
The mobile UI based of the graphic elements from the universe, depicting the penguin use of the app. This is in order to create a friendly approach as well as a cute expression of the app to relate the parents to the baby journal app.

UI Elements

We are also very proud that the app has been featured in several sites.

2015 Best Social Communications
Mobile Application

Mommy’s Choice

Parent Approved

More Than 2 Millions
Memories Uploaded