With 2021 just around the corner, these design trends are definitely making waves in the creative industry. With 2020 being a tough year, we learned to do things differently and adopted new trends creating a big impact. Distance learning, online shopping, and the search for entertainment not to mention working from home and communications platforms have all seen rapid growth. People and businesses have managed to adapt quicker than before plus the dramatic change in technology and trends reflecting the needs of the customers. We put on our thinking caps and made some predictions based on our research and experience. In with the new and out with the old!
1. Minimalism
Less is more may sound like a cliché, but in its most stripped-down definition, minimalism is about designers expressing only the most essential and necessary elements of a product or subject by getting rid of any excessive and, therefore, unnecessary components and features. Minimalism is all around us. You can see it anywhere from the user interface of your favourite website or app to the packaging of your latest gift and the design on various brands. Minimalism creates focus as it emphasises on subject matter giving a clean and concise disposition with a sophisticated look.
2. Typography
Typography design is the art and technique of arranging type. It’s at the centre of a designer’s skillset and is about much more than simply making the words legible. The typeface you choose and how it works with your layout, grid, colour scheme and so on will make the difference between a good, bad and great design. Typography makes a statement and catches attention with bold messaging techniques that speak to you. At times overlapping typography creates an individual graphic style sparking creative imagination.
3. Isometric
Isometric designs give you more perspectives on a subject. Being able to see the side and top of a design makes people curious! Especially for businesses who give their customers more options, or whose product or service looks great in 3D, isometric designs are the perfect visual metaphor. The isometric technique storyteller details minus the clutter. Having the ability to show a space in 3D opens up engaging the audience in every way possible. Isometric is a fun and vibrant approach to visuals.
4. Natural Design
Natural design incorporates natural materials, light, plants and even landscapes, smells and textures of the natural world into the modern built environment. Conceptually, this is all being driven by a greater valuing of nature and natural elements. People are realising and embracing the fact that we need contact with nature for our well-being; that homes are happier and workspaces more productive when we make space and time for nature. Natural design adopts raw and muted tones with low saturated colours creating a safe and secure feeling (sometimes nostalgic) to the user.
5. AR / VR
Two of the leading technological fields that are constantly innovating and progressing – not just the way we live our lives, but also the way we access the world around us – are VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality). VR allows us to be totally immersed in a virtual world at a realistic level whereas AR allows the world around us to be manipulated by the technology. The ideas behind AR and VR are nothing new. What is new is the desire for bigger, better, or simply easier experiences, be it in the entertainment industry or just in day-to-day life. AR / VR allows its users to experience technology influencing their decisions better from wherever they are, increasing the e-commerce industry as more and more consumers prefer shopping online.
While trends may change and evolve it’s important to identify the functionality of design. With the creative industry of 2021 determined to turn it around in their own way, which trend will you move towards? We believe the changers and makers of tomorrow will continue evolving creating different and creative trends each year.
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